Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I need my own house.

I played music for the first time in my house tonight, through my living room DVD player/TV and I turned it way, way up, so that I could hear it from the kitchen, and I was feeling good and singing loud and rolling out my pie crusts and generally being happy. I was having a good voice day.

My phone rang, and it was my upstairs 30-something shut-in of a neighbor, asking me to turn my music down.

And it crushed me. And now I feel like a poop.

It was Indigo Girls, of all bands, and I'm pretty sure she's one of "those" types. Figured she wouldn't mind how loud it was. But her girlfriend is over so maybe it interrupted a lingerie pillow fight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe she has a crush on you and just wanted to hear your voice on the phone...