Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Football

I don't really like the game, but being in a Fantasy league it gives me something to do on an otherwise quiet Sunday afternoon.

I have one major problem though, with football. I am not a germophobe or anything, but when I see those dudes lick their hands between plays, it just goes right through me. I don't know what about it bothers me so much. I guess I picture what they must be tasting. Like a combination of dirt, grass, sweat (theirs and other people's)... it is so disgusting to me, and I wonder what their mothers think when they see their sons licking their dirty hands on national TV.

On a side note, I realized today that most of the NFL players are younger than me. Like most of these dudes were born in like, 1985 or 1986!!!! What the @#$#$^%#???!!!

1 comment:

RanaElizabeth said...

It's so sad when people younger than you are doing really cool things and earning more money. Not just football players, but silly little twits that are supposed to still be in fifth grade. Because, ya know, people born in the early 90's aren't supposed to have left elementary school yet. They are totally not supposed to be starting college.