Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Creeps, Coworkers, Motives, and Naivete at 28

One of the younger people I work with asked if I wanted to grab lunch after the gym today, but I already had a sandwich so he suggested we meet for dinner on the way home. His kid was with his ex wife for the night, and I thought he just wanted someone to eat with.

After an uncomfortable conversation about both politics and religion, he asked, "Okay, here's one for you: Where's the craziest place you ever had sex?" I'm sorry, I thought I was having a quick weeknight dinner with a coworker, not trying out for the next episode of Blind Date.

I looked at him and said, "I haven't." He was confused and didn't understand, so I clarified, "I never had sex."

He followed by asking how many times my boyfriend cheated on me. As if I would deserve to be cheated on because I didn't give it up. He also referred to MF as "your Indiana boy" rather than by his name.

"I have some crazy stories about dirty, dirty bad girls that would shock you." I suggested he save that for his guy friends, who might be more interested to hear those stories.

Then the check came, and he insisted on splitting it in half even though I am in the mindset that you pay for what you ordered. Whatever. I will pay twice what I owe just to get out of that restaurant and drive home. But then my fortune cookie read, "Don't put off today what you can do tomorrow" or something like that, and he said, "I think your fortune cookie is telling you to have sex with me."


Anonymous said...

Oh My God, that guy is a total asshole. I want to hope that you are making up the blog, but I know that would be me being too hopeful.

Wow. What an ass.

Take my advice and keep all male coworkers at a distance. They don't mean well. It isn't harmless. And they are always, always looking for some.

You could always tell him about my best friend L who was a V until last Feb and is likely going to be engaged in the next few months. And she's 26. Not so rare. Not so rare. And she also has never been cheated on that I know of.

That guy really disgusts me. Seriously. What an A.

Peter said...


Stories like this make me ashamed to have been born with male genitalia.

However, to cynicalscientist, i take slight offense to the notion that "They don't mean well. It isn't harmless. And they are always, always looking for some." The actions of the few (or possibly the many) do not dictate the actions of the all.

Anonymous said...

In response to Peter, the issue with being close friends with male coworkers is that when you are in a relationship that hits a rocky time, you might lean on this male friend. And this means you could share feelings with this friend...and this can lead to cheating.

It isn't just my opinion, a lot of marital advice counselors recommend the same thing. You have to recognize that you will reach trying times in your relationship and having a possible intimacy set up with a member of the opposite sex can make getting through that rough time difficult.

And because you can't know which of those coworkers might be harmless, you have to treat them all with caution. Again, you don't know what you might feel when you are in a rough part of your marriage/relationship. Better to plan ahead.