Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tisn't the Season

My parents really mean it this year: no gifts. At least nothing store-bought. They say this every year, they really do, and we always end up going overboard with gifts and last-minute shopping and spending and it turns into a huge present-party every Dec. 26th. But this year they mean it, and considering what's happened to our family in light of the housing/credit/mortgage crisis, we're actually listening to the parents this year.

My first response was pissy. I was just thinking, you know, I am the one who is far away and it's really hard for me to do the IOU coupon book doohickey, with the Good-for-one-Netflix-movie-night and the I'll-cook-you-dinner coupons. But then I thought about it a little longer, and realized, I can do a couple cutesy things for my family, and never have to worry about Christmas shopping.

Let me repeat that: I am not Christmas shopping this year. In fact, I get to avoid the mall scene until after the new year. It is so freeing and so empowering, to know that I am not a part of the commercialism of Christmas, at least this year.

I might actually stop to enjoy the Christmas season for the first time since I was a kid.


RanaElizabeth said...

I really dislike Christmas for this reason. I don't need anything and if I want something, I'll buy it for myself. I will get somebody a present if I find something I think it perfect, but I refuse to stress out forcing myself to find something just to find something. I tell my parents and sisters this every year and every year they don't listen.

Is everything okay with your family, re: the financial "crisis"?

Anonymous said...

It's funny, because of the industry I now work in, I'm better off this Christmas than last Christmas. But because I'm concerned about the economy in general, I don't want to spend any money.

Good decision by your family.

Have you seen the article in the San Francisco Gate that tells homeowners how to get a bailout? It's basically a step-by-step guide. Kind of sucks for those of us (me included) who didn't get a mortgage too big to afford. Oh well. Too late to bitch about the rest of the world