Tuesday, May 20, 2008


A few weeks ago I started noticing posters in the hallways and in the women's bathrooms advertising the "Women of Young Babies" group meetings and I wished had a little kid so I could meet some women my age to talk about something we had in common. The other day those posters were replaced by "Weight Watchers" posters. For a split second I wished I were involved in Weight Watchers because, you know, at least I'd have some people to eat lunch with.

Why can't there be a "Normal People" group, where we meet and talk about how our day went, and have lunch together sometimes and just be friends? Why isn't there a "New Hire" group or a "Young Scientist Lunch Club?"

I don't need another "Work-Life Balance" seminar because, you know, my life is work right now. I have nothing to balance.


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Dr. Bean said...

Thanks for reminding me that someone puts the posters up and that someone might as well be ME!

I'm on the steering team for the only women's committee I'm eligible to join (being the low one on the totem pole). But all of that is work-related...