Thursday, June 5, 2008


Top 5 things I'm insecure about, in no particular order:

5. Lacking any sense of fashion whatsoever
4. Seemingly having the wrong hair style/cut at any given time
3. Looking younger than I am (because of #4 and #5)
2. Lacking any sense of interior decorating
1. My cooking tastes horrible

I realized tonight that I'm not insecure about any of those things in my life I have zero control over. Such as my height, my crooked teeth, my skin... I don't care if I smile big and people see my crooked teeth. I am very much okay with being 5'2" even though my head was the most popular armrest in grades 6-12. When I get a zit I don't cover it up. Instead, I pick at it for months until it scars. But aren't most people insecure about things they can't change?

I could read magazines to improve on most of the things I feel so self-conscious about. But I don't. What is wrong with me?


RanaElizabeth said...

I don't know what's wrong with you but I fear it's because you're human.

I can help you with the cooking one....that actually comes with practice, unfortunately. I used to be a toast-burner, tuna-fish-messer-upper until I got forced into making dinner by the BF working every night until 7. If you have to eat your own cooking and serve it to someone you supposedly love, you get better. Not fast, but eventually.

Anonymous said...

I had coworkers make fun of my cartoon-ish socks before. All it took to shut them up was a "so what?" coupled with a raised eyebrow and a "do I look like I care?" expression.

I don't think you are unfashionable. I think that because of your height, you get sterotyped. Unfortunate, but true.